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Rifò's Sustainability Report

Read our Sustainability Report 2022

We want to make our commitment to responsible fashion clear and transparent to everyone.  
Learn about Rifò's social and environmental impact over the years.

Sustainability Report 2022

Circular Economy

78,889 garments were produced in 2022

13.8 tons of old garments were recycled

85% of recycled fibers were used for our productions

14% offset level between our collected garments and purchased recycled materials

No to overproduction

Thanks to the presale system we minimized overproduction; only 5,572 garments were left in stock, 7% out of our 2022 total production and -6% than in 2021

Social impact and local economy

€18,000 were raised for social impact projects.

24 people joined Rifò's team, 77% of whom are women.

20 artisan workshops were involved in our productions, all located on average 18 km from our office.

Our formal commitment

On a voluntary basis, we decided to formalize the principles and values that guide our everyday activities through a series of documents, publicly accessible and available for consultation to our community:

  • Code of Ethics, which expresses the set of social and moral rules by which we are inspired in managing our company's internal activities and relations with all our external collaborators;
  • Sustainability Policy, which defines the pillars that inspire us on a daily basis in contributing, through our business, to the creation of a sustainable development model;
  • ESG Risk Management Policy, in which we have summarized the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) risks related to our business and a strategic action plan aimed at preventing these risks.


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