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Recycled wool cloth

Finally some sustainable coats.

We created them with a carded fabric recycled in Prato, a product that represents the tradition of our textile district.

The carded wool cloth

The carded fabric has made the history and the fortune of the textile district of Prato. This technique of recycling textile materials was in fact developed in the early decades of the 20th century, making a coat accessible to many people. At the time, in fact, a virgin wool coat was a really expensive garment and synthetic materials did not exist yet.

The carding technique

The recycling cardigan artisans are a bit of painters, but their palette contains fibers and colors. In fact the carding technique consists in mixing together different flakes, that is the fiber balls obtained from the recycling of old garments, also combining several colors together. Thanks to this process it is possible to obtain a new shade, different from the original ones without the need to color the new yarn through chemical processes and large water consumption.

The cloth composition

65% recycled wool, 30% recycled polyamide, 5% recycled polyester.

Thanks to the selection by color of industrial wool waste, the production of this recycled cloth can save a lot of water and chemicals, which are necessary for a new coloring process.

 Recycled polyamide and polyester are needed to give the carded wool fabric the necessary stability and strength.

0 miles production

Rifò recycled regenerated wool coats are packaged in Veruska's laboratory, a few hundred meters from our office!

Sartorial details

Rifò wool coats are made with great care. Inside you can see invisible seams, common in tailoring production.

Recycled polyester padding

In the case of the peacoat Achab, we decided to enhance its thermal insulation with a 60g recycled polyester padding.

Ginko coat details

The back vent, the internal button and the belt at the waist make Ginko a super versatile garment with a comfortable fit.

Achab peacoat details

Achab, with its wide open collar, is the classic sailor's peacoat. We have followed the classical style, with a double breast and buttons on the side collar, to be able to close it and protect the neck from the cold.

Not only coats

With the carder wool cloth we created some warm and sustainable hats.


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