Parka, history and origin of the cold-proof winter jacket
When we decided to create an outerwear for the winter that was padded and sustainable, we chose inspire ourself to a garment with a history, whose characteristics had been appreciated...
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Olivenbaum Blumen Seife für Wolle und Kaschmir
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Mütze aus recycelter Kaschmirwolle
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Entdecke die gesamte Circular FashionOlivenbaum Blumen Seife für Wolle und Kaschmir
Nicht verfügbarRifò-Tasche aus Baumwolle - Klein
Nicht verfügbarRifò stories
Ein kleiner Raum, um unsere Welt besser zu erklären.
Neuigkeiten, Projekte und viele vertiefende Informationen zu Themen, die uns sehr am Herzen liegen, wie nachhaltige Kleidung, Kreislaufmode und recycelte Materialien.
Die richtige Pflege deiner Kleidung ist der erste Schritt, um sie über Jahre hinweg zu erhalten. Besonders wichtig ist dies vor dem Wechsel der Jahreszeiten im Kleiderschrank. Das gilt vor...
Von Eleonora Marini
When we decided to create an outerwear for the winter that was padded and sustainable, we chose inspire ourself to a garment with a history, whose characteristics had been appreciated...
Von Eleonora Marini
We always say that Rifò couldn't have existed if not in Prato, a place where it is actually possible to create a 0 miles fashion production thanks to the proximity...
Von Eleonora Marini
You can find them in the stalls along the streets of Palermo, the handmade coppola hats are the absolute symbol of Sicily, so that they are traditionally still worn by...
Von Eleonora Marini
A hat which was born in a specific period and which is inextricably linked to the fashion imagery of the early decades of the 20th century, the cloche hat truly...
Von Eleonora Marini
The Newsboy hat awakens in everyone the imagination of a chaotic megalopolis in full industrial development at the end of the 19th century. The newsboy hat is also recalled by...
Von Eleonora Marini
Half of the plastic produced annually goes to packaging and wrapping. Often beautiful and eye-catching but with such a short life cycle that they are thrown away immediately after a...
Von Eleonora Marini
Ist Recycling billiger als Neuware? Was bestimmt den Preis für nachhaltige Mode? Die ethische Herstellung von Kleidung und die Festlegung umweltfreundlicher Grenzwerte haben ihren Preis. In diesem Artikel erklären wir,...
Von Eleonora Marini
The stereotype of the old-time Prato native wants him to be deaf and with a very high volume of voice. This was due to daily proximity with the deafening noise...
Von Eleonora Marini
The Polo shirt, from its birth to the present day, from the celebrities who have worn it to the remanufactured polo shirt signed Rifò: here is the history and evolution...
Von Eleonora Marini
Fast fashion, emotional fashion, or ethical production, specific and very important concepts of this world but which are often not clear to those approaching this sector for the first time....
Von Eleonora Marini
Nei primi anni del Novecento, Ernesto Michahelles, un artista eclettico e visionario, creò la tuta Thayaht, un mix di innovazione, economia e stile. Ecco la storia di questo capo d'abbigliamento...
Von Eleonora Marini
7 consigli utili per una vita più sostenibile a partire dal 2020, dalla scelta e utilizzo degli apparecchi di casa alle buste per fare la spesa, passando per carta riciclata,...
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