Waste production: where they come from and how to use them
You might think that everything that is production waste is a scrap. That's not true. A scrap is every substance or object of which the holder has got ridden and...
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Mütze aus recycelter Kaschmirwolle
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Schal aus recycelter Kaschmirwolle
Nicht verfügbarANITA
Damen Handschuhe aus recycelter Kaschmirwolle
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Von Eleonora Marini
You might think that everything that is production waste is a scrap. That's not true. A scrap is every substance or object of which the holder has got ridden and...
Von Eleonora Marini
Wie kann man sich für eine ethische und verantwortungsvolle Mode entscheiden? Die Antwort liegt in der Slow Fashion. Hier ist, was sie ist und wie sie sich von Fast Fashion...
Von Eleonora Marini
Sustainability and environmental impact: what recycled wool is, how it is produced, and all the benefits of wearing clothing made from this fabric. Recycled wool is obtained through the complete...
Von Eleonora Marini
Il progresso economico e l'aumento dei consumi portano a un aumento esponenziale della crescita dei rifiuti, con effetti devastanti sul nostro ambiente e sulla nostra salute. Ed è proprio di...
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