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Rifò's 2018: a special year for upcycled fabrics and for the environment

This year that is about to end was very special for us here at Rifò.

In a world where everyone every day makes choices without worrying about consequences, where fashion is getting faster and more damaging for the environment, we have decided to stop and get back to emotions, giving people a better choice.

Choosing Rifò doesn’t only mean opting for just another fashion brand.

Choosing Rifò means protecting the environment, feeling real emotions, wearing quality garments, helping the local economy and giving a hand for the social.

Rifò is the choice of those who care about the planet and want to feel again an emotion when wearing an item of clothing.

The current life speed is taking away from us any emotion.

The idea that led us to create Rifò is to try to change the economic model of nowadays. Our target is to create an ethical and sustainable model, based on quality.

Our choices are made after analyzing themes such as economical, social, climatic and environmental necessities.

This doesn’t prevent us to maintain a strong focus on design. Our garments stand out for a classic and elegant style.

Let’s discover together the most important events during the last 12 months.

Rifò's birth


Rifò 's reality comes to life thanks to the success of the crowdfunding campaign on Ulule.

After reaching the necessary amount of money, we launched our website in January.

On this site there are all the information anyone could need: starting from the online shop and the description of the project to the blog articles that concern our reality and the world of circular economy.

The economic model on which is based Rifò concerns a process that consider of reusing materials, avoiding to throw them away.

Acceleration program


During last spring we have participated to Hubble, the startup acceleration program, financed by Fondazione CR Firenze and realized by Nana Bianca with the help of the Foundation for the Search and Innovation of University of Florence.

Despite the huge competition, Rifò was selected as winners, together with other realities, so we have received an important financing for sustaining our growth on the market.

The project has included 16 weeks of work on venture building at Nana Bianca’s building in Florence.

Questo progetto ci ha permesso di aumentare il numero medio di acquisti settimanali e il valore medio del carrello.

This project let us increase the average number of weekly purchases and the average value of the shopping cart.

From this experience we have launched our new collection of upcycled cotton t-shirts, made with upcycled cotton and plastic bottles.

The company borns

This summer we made another important step forward.

Rifò has become a Srl: a society with limited responsibility.

From an idea we have become a real company. Still now, when we think about it we get a thrill.

The new upcycled cashmere collection


With the approach of cold weather we wanted to give our clients one more option: in our catalogue has appeared the new collection of upcycled cashmere.

The idea remains the same: we wanted to create a sustainable, responsible and social cashmere.

At the same time we wanted our garments to be durable, aesthetically appreciable and high-quality products, that could make people wearing them feeling real emotions.

The processing includes these processes: taking old cashmere garments, cutting them into strips, transforming them into a new yarn that is used to give life to new upcycled items of clothing.

We were inspired by the textile tradition of our city: Prato.

Sweaters and prizes

November was an important month too.

We have launched the new collection of sweaters for men and women, made with upcycled wool and we got a huge satisfaction.

Rifò has participated, with other 859 companies to the “Changes Prize”, organized by CNA and addressed to the enterprises and that has, as a target, the financing of the best ideas of the country.


Here at Rifò we are so proud to have reached an important result such as the 3rd place, after less than a year from our birth.

Still in November we have launched the upcycled cashmere socks that have had a great success!

The new opening


And last, but not least, to top the past year off, we have opened our shop/office at Prato (in Piazza G. Ciardi 23).

This is a physical headquarters, besides our online shop, and it is called Agorà, opened to anyone, especially those with many ideas and the desire to put them into practice.


As you can see, it was an important year for us, characterized by a big growth and many surprises.

More and more people are embracing today our project, following us in this idea of circular economy, learning that every our daily actions can affect the health of our planet.

Choosing a garment instead of another is one of these actions.

Choosing our items of clothing you can also help the social: a part, in fact, will go to associations such as Onlus Foundation Santa Rita, Onlus Ami Prato or Legambiente Prato.

Soon we’ll unveil the prosecution of their projects.

Any good intentions for the new year?

Choose Rifò!

Visit our store and embrace our philosophy.

We wish you a happy new year!

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