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Repack, the reusable and zero waste e-commerce packaging

Have you ever heard of Repack?

How many times have we received parcels where the volume of packaging exceeded the object?

This is beautiful, captivating but really too unsustainable.

The world of e-commerce has obviously led to a significant increase of packs, bags, parcels and packages around the world. But are we sure there is no trash free alternative?

Up to now we have chosen to pack our goods with 100% recyclable paper packaging, minimizing the use of plastic.

Today we have taken a step forward: Rifò has introduced Repack, the sustainable and reusable packaging born from the idea of a Finnish startup. In this article we will explain what this packaging service is and how it works: it could really bring your consumption style to a zero waste level.

The impact of disposable packaging

In 2016, 335 million tons of plastic were produced worldwide, for the main use of packaging. Half of the plastic produced annually is in fact produced for this purpose, according to Repack.

Obviously the situation is more complex than it seems. Our choice to eliminate the plastic from the parcels we ship for example has brought disadvantages from the point of view of their strength and resistance to water.

It is fair to point out that even cardboard boxes, although recyclable and natural, have an environmental impact that cannot be underestimated.

So what impact does packaging production have? It is estimated that 100 to 500 grams of C02 are emitted for a cardboard box and around 200 grams for a plastic bag.


What is reusable packaging?

Is there an alternative to all this? Yes and it is simple: a packaging that can be reused several times, that can be shipped around the world for different purchases.

In this case, the consumption of CO2 is significantly reduced and it is equivalent to the impact of a package or letter sent by post. According to the International Post Corporation, for each of these, 36.2 grams of CO2 were consumed in 2018.

The sustainability of recyclable packaging, which must be produced with a waterproof and resistant material, lies largely in the people who will use it to receive their purchases. Their task to make this packaging truly sustainable is in fact to put it back into the circle and return it to the company that produced it: only in this way the purchase really become 0 waste.

What is Repack?Repack-rifò

Repack's project was born in 2011 in Finland, when a sustainable design agency decides to combine sustainability analysis with industrial design. The idea is as elementary as it is ingenious: use recycled polypropylene bags (the same material used for Ikea bags) to offer a reusable packaging service for e-commerce deliveries.

According to the Finnish company, a Repack envelope can be used for at least 20 shipments, thus reducing its production impact on the environment by 20 times.

Repack is now available for more than 100 online stores across Europe and is now landing in the USA.

We at Rifò are the first Italian e-commerce to use it. Are you curious to know how it works?

Rifò and Repack


Repack is a very simple service to use. People will be able to choose it as the packaging method at the checkout in our online shop. The cost of Repack is 3 €. We decided not to apply any mark-up and to offer it exactly at what was the price for Rifò.

Once the goods have arrived at its destination, the user will have to fold up the Repack envelope and put on the waybill on its surface. After that, put it in the letter box to return the reusable packaging.


So how are Repack users rewarded? With a 10% discount voucher that can be used in all stores that use Repack. It is a network of eco-friendly stores or those that have sustainability at heart and have chosen to give the opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of e-commerce packaging and logistics.

In addition to the Rifò's website, here you will find the network of environmentally conscious shops where you can use the voucher.

Repack is already active on our e-commerce and for the first week, from 5 to 12 June 2020, it will be offered as a free option for all Rifò purchases. In fact, we want to give everyone the opportunity to test the service and evaluate its dynamics.

Visit our online shop and choose the most sustainable packaging of all: the one that has already been produced!

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