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The recycled t-shirt, why wearing it and which benefits it brings along

Every year about 2 millions t-shirts are being sold in the whole world. It is, with no doubt, the most purchased garments of all time.

The majority of these t-shirts are made of cotton. Cotton is an economic and “thirsty” fiber at the same time.

What does that mean? It means that for a simple cotton t-shirt an enormous quantity of water is necessary: something like more than 2000 liters.

Inside fast fashion industry t-shirts are often used a limited number of times and then thrown away after a short time frame from the purchase.

Another important problem of this period is the utilization of a big quantity of plastic bottles, whose most of the time aren’t correctly recycledAround 10 millions of these end up floating in our oceans, disrupting the planet and marine life.

Putting together these two bad habits, we can see how both them lead to dramatic consequences for the society and the environment.

While the low quality and low prices stimulate the exploitation of child labor, on the other hand the utilization of fiber such as cotton and the lack of recycling of materials like plastic worsen environment condition. Is it possible to produce a sustainable t-shirt?

There is a solution to all of this, and it is the 100% upcycled t-shirt.

Today I want to let you know this kind of t-shirt, how it is created and which are the advantages that its purchase brings along.

Make yourself comfortable and follow me, let’s discover together everything about upcycled t-shirt, the first sustainable and circular t-shirt.

What is an upcycled t-shirt?

It is a simple t-shirt made with upcycled cotton and polyester al 100%.

You may be guessing how can it be possible to create a t-shirt solving the issues we have discussed above.

Here at Rifò we take cotton waste and plastic bottles, we shred them to create a new fiber.

Rifò - Il processo produttivo del telo Marinetti in cotone rigenerato

This fiber is fluffy and resistant and it has all the quality characteristic of new fibers.

From this material we manage to give birth to our t-shirts, that don’t exclude the style and fashion side.

The final result is that we managed to create a simple, comfortable and high-quality t-shirt designed to last.

This is the idea at the base of our project to enhance the waste we create.

Benefits of the upcycled t-shirt

Choosing to wear an upcycled t-shirt brings along many benefits.

We all know how bad habits in the fashion industry and in the disposal of waste are destroying our planet.

A real difference is made by everyone’s action in daily life. One of these is choosing an upcycled t-shirt.

Here you can find a full list of benefits that wearing an upcycled t-shirts involves:

  • Water consumption reduction
  • Waste reduction
  • Maximization of reutilization of waste
  • Increase of garment’s life
  • Support to environment safeguard
  • Support to improvements of social working conditions
  • Rediscovery of the emotion of wearing an item of clothing
  • Support to the economy of the territory

Rifò - Ciclo 30km



We have discovered together what is an upcycled t-shirt, how it is produced and, most of all, which are the benefits that it can bring along.

The problem of pollution, waste and child labor are linked one another in fashion world. Slow fashion can be a solution linked to the creation of a sustainable fabric.

Choosing to buy a garment because it’s cheaper means deciding to wear a garment which we’ll use just a few times, ending in the rubbish in a short time.

It means making low-quality choices, which is the results of child labor in less-developed Countries.

A simple choice that brings along a number or consequences: this is why it is important the decision to wear Rifo’s upcycled t-shirt.

What are you waiting for?

Visit our store and choose the model you like the most!

1 commentaire


Buonasera come potrei commercializzare t-shirt e altri capi rigenerati con la plastica? Grazie!
Rifò – Circular Fashion made in Italy replied:
Puoi scrivere a ciao@rifo-lab e ti daremo tutte le informazioni necessarie ;)

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